Pembury u3a

Learn Laugh Live

Rambling 3 - 6 Miles

Status:Active, open to new members
Tony Partridge
Group email: Rambling 3 - 6 Miles group
When: Monthly on Monday mornings 9:30 am
Fourth Monday
Venue: Sports Centre

We meet at 9.30 am in the recreation ground car park and share cars to the start of a 3 - 6 mile walk, with sometimes a pub lunch at the end. What could be better than a bit of exercise in our beautiful Kent countryside? We try to keep our walks as local as we can, but do have a few longer drives to our starting point. Most walks include stiles, and walking by the side of roads (some busy). We do not include dogs on these walks. Due to a lot of Pubs not opening on a Monday, more walks do not include a pub lunch.

On a dry, sometimes sunny (oh yes it was!) April 22nd, our Monday 3-6 mile ramble group had a lovely 4 mile walk around Shoreham, led by Trisha, taking in some lovely views and the sight and smell of some fabulous bluebells in the woods, a nice lunch in The Crown at Shoreham and then a walk back to the cars by the side of the River Darent - Lovely!