Painting for Fun 1

Status:Active, open to new members
Janet Richardson
Group email: Painting for Fun 1 group
When: Fortnightly on Friday mornings 9:45 am
First & Third Friday
Venue: Village Hall

This group has been meeting for many years and has become a "Paint and Natter" group. Members bring their own work or select a picture from a folder and work at their own speed. The mediums used vary. The group leader offers help and advice when requested and occasionally leads a small group in a topic they request. Sessions are held in the meeting Room in the Village Hall so the hire charge is covered by a single payment per term of £15 per member in the first session. This also covers refreshments and any occasional materials provided. Members usually bring their own paper, paints etc. The year consists of 3 terms with short breaks between them. The emphasis is still on learning and trying new techniques and media but mainly the enjoyment painting gives.