Painting for Fun 2

Status:Active, open to new members
Janet Richardson
Group email: Painting for Fun 2 group
When: Fortnightly on Friday mornings 9:45 am
Second & Fourth Friday
Venue: Village Hall

This group has been meeting for some years but is still taught each session. A theme is planned for the term which introduces a new technique or medium. The group is held in the meeting room of the Village Hall from 9.45 to 12 noon on the second and fourth Friday every month except April and August when we have a break. Members supply their own equipment and materials unless specially supplied by the leader. We have to pay hire charges for the room so there is a termly payment of £15 which includes refreshments and any special materials supplied. There are 3 terms per year. This started as a group learning to paint with watercolour but we have expanded into several other media and also explore mixed media.